Thursday, 17 November 2011

My Story: Aftermath of Post-Election Violence in Kibera

In 2007 and 2008, everybody - everything came to a standstill, just after the announcement of the presidential election results. What followed was a clash between the two opposing tribes in Kibera. Chaos emerged as people poured from their houses with weapons. I watched helplessly as my house was torched and my property destroyed. Many lost their lives.

Everything I had worked for in years since I came to Nairobi went to ashes in one day. The fact that I am a Luo living in an area dominated by Kikuyus cost me my life as I knew it, and I had nothing to show anymore for working the whole of that time.

Life hasn’t been easy since then, and the more I strive to come to a favourable condition, the more standards of living rise. I have no parents to call on, and it is my responsibility to take care of my siblings, but I don’t have the proper education to find a well-paying job. I wake up every day hoping to get a call from the organizations that I have been trying to secure jobs with, but all I get are rejections. I only wish I could further my education and get a job that could pay my bills and help me save money so that my children never go through this life of torture and suffering.

There’s still a ray of hope that I can.

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